The Nebraska Soybean and Feed Grains Profitability Project (NSFGPP) is a unique on-farm research partnership among Nebraska farmers, agribusiness (crop consultants, seed dealers, etc.) and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension faculty (Extension Educators and Specialists). Together partners analyze farmers' production and marketing systems, then identify potential agronomic practices or marketing strategies that can lead to a more profitable farming operation.
Recent NSFGPP participant surveys have indicated substantial financial benefit to Nebraska farm operations. Producers estimate $7,768 annual benefit while private industry representatives estimated $5,253 benefit.Participants were asked to identify specific farm/business benefits that they could directly attribute to their NSFGPP experience. A few testimonials follow…- "I have improved no-till corn yields by about 4 bu/ac. averaged over the last five years through improved residue management at planting, based on results of replicated strip trials. In the last two years, I have scaled this practice up to all of my corn acres (150 acres)."- "I received several benefits from the project using Fremont biosolids. The first benefit was realizing that 120 pounds of urea (actual nitrogen) could produce 200+ yields of corn. This year I plan to reduce my nitrogen use by at least 20 pounds per acre. I was surprised the biosolids with no additional fertilizer could generate that kind of yield."- "The Gaucho project has resulted in my using Gaucho on most of my corn acres. The seed based treatment is certainly safer than planter box powders."- "We have participated for almost 10 years in the NSFGPP and find that year in and year out more is learned about how to make the bottom line blacker from this type of program rather than from reading journals. Why? Because it fits the field and farmer in his conditions, using his methods."
- "I was interested in the potential return of lime and fertilizers to the soil. I just didn’t want to throw a great deal of money out on the soil without feeling secure of a potential return. The NSFGPP program provided me academic and technical help to perform the study. Without NSFGPP I would not have had the knowledge and resources to do the study properly." NOTE: Rusty’s lime vs. no lime study has consistently increased corn yields by 3-4 bushels and soybean yields by 7 bushels annually since 1997.
- "From my starter fertilizer plots, I learned that 10-34-0 was as effective as a more expensive starter fertilizer. This has saved me $5/acre per year on 500 acres of corn for the last 6 years. This has been a savings of $15,000 for me for the last 6 years."
- "The program has provided a method to generate accurate data for controlling costs in our operation. We have determined that it doesn’t pay us to apply wireworm control on our hill ground bean stubble. This saves us $3-5/acre in insecticide costs on 150 acres every year."
- "The on-farm research on biosolids versus commercial fertilizer by Brandert, Stewart and Vinduska certainly gives me confidence in working with Fremont biosolids on farms I manage. The cost savings in fertilizers plus doing the right thing environmentally by using the biosolids rather than burying them in a landfill gives agriculture a positive image."
- "The lime studies lengthened my projections for recovering the cost of applying lime. I had been using a four-year recovery projection, but now see it as a seven or eight year recovery and benefit."
- "NSFGPP is a great program. I really appreciate sharing with other producers the results of our projects. The program has made me really think about different aspects of my family’s operation. Since joining the program we have adapted a no-till corn program, no-till beans, and applying biosolids to cropland. In tillage costs alone, we have saved $7-8/acre on 2,500 acres. I would recommend this program to anyone."
- "Utilizing results from my plot since 1997 I have averaged a yield increase of four bushels of soybeans per acre annually on 380 acres. I increased corn yields by eight bushels per acre annually on 380 acres. At the same time my phosphorous level went from 9 ppm to 23 ppm. I have had a very consistent yield increase every year that more than paid for fertilizer in long term no-till land."
- "To me, the approach of the farmer asking the question that will be answered by testing on his farm with his equipment and labor is in the highest tradition of teaching, and the best part is that both the farmer and consultant benefit."
NSFGPP participants meet with UNL faculty during the winter monthts to review the statistical results of the past growing season's on-farm research comparison(s). Using this data and the growers' production and marketing data an economic analysis of each treatment is generated on a field, acre, and per bushel basis. The statistical analysis shows the producer which treatments are truly different and the economic analysis indicates what the treatment differences mean to his operation's profitability.
Producers share their individual on-farm research findings with other NSFGPP participants and prospective members at an annual educational program in early March. On-going results of Nebraska Soybean & Feed Grains Profitability Project research can also be accessed at the NSFGPP Web Site (
For more information contact Dave Varner (402-727-2775) or Keith Glewen (402-624-8030).